From our offices in the UK and South Africa we provide a range of services and have a strong network of in-country specialists. We provide expert knowledge of markets in Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Ghana and Tanzania in west and east Africa, as well as South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana in southern Africa.

We believe there’s no better time to invest in Africa. The continent is taking a lead in digital technology, it is closing its infrastructure gap, and its rapid development of sustainable agri-business and renewable energy makes it ripe for investment.

The creation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area holds tremendous potential. It creates a single market for goods and service across 54 countries and will be the world’s largest free trade area of 1.3 billion people and is predicted to create a $3.4 trillion economic bloc.

Africa is also on the crest of a demographic wave which will see the continent’s population double by 2050. This will give Africa the world’s largest population of people of working age, larger than both China and India.

Africa is our home and at Siyakha Africa we are determined to play a key role in this exciting continent’s growth.

Peter Burdin